What is my Card?

What is Cardology?

In Cardology the playing cards function as a map of the Law of Attraction or Astromagnetism. It defines the magnetic profile of anything or person that is born on any calendar day. It also explains why people or things are drawn to one another at specific times in their life cycle. Like Astrology, Cardology also uses planetary energy as an influence – and uses detailed progressions that make it possible to predict events with 99% accuracy.

Begin to decode your Life’s Journey by discovering your Birth Card and Life Spread. Everyone has an energy that they were born into, and your Life Spread contains all you need to know about that energy.

AI Expert | Cardologer | Astrologer | Founder / Entrepreneur 

A Card For Everywhere

Yep folks, there is a card that represents every single thing and place. Chances are if you pay attention...

Keeping A Cool Head

About a week ago, I began to sense the presence of the King Of Spades. There was a subtle...


Find Your Life Spread

Today's Hand

Each card represents the energies (karmas) that affect us for today

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