Yep folks, there is a card that represents every single thing and place. Chances are if you pay attention to the things you like or dislike you can figure it out quite easily (once you learn the cards of course). For instance, my family has been trying to get me to move into the city (Atlanta) for quite some time now. Well, the card for the name Atlanta (in my system) is the 4♠, which is my lifetime Saturn card. No wonder I don’t want to move there and no wonder it evokes all kinds of fears in my spirit. Saturn, tends to bring out your fears, but if you can overcome your fears chances are you may really like what it has to offer.


I’ve really loved living in Snellville, and the card for the name Snellville is a 5♣. No wonder I’ve moved around alot here, but I am very comfortable and I know the place well (the 5♣ is my “forward” karma, or “north node” karma). If anyone knows a bit of Astrology you would know your Node Node points to your destiny and is likely to be lived out in the second half of your life.


If you are thinking of moving, I’d highly recommend getting a Cardology reading. You might save yourself alot of stress and indecision.

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