[vc_row padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”0px”][vc_column fade_animation_offset=”45px” width=”1/3″][vc_btn title=”Add Birthdate For Person/Place/Thing” style=”flat” color=”black” size=”sm” align=”center” i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-user-circle-o” css_animation=”bounceInDown” button_block=”true” add_icon=”true” custom_onclick=”true” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fwww.aquariusmaximus.com%2Fmanage-people%2F|||”][/vc_column][vc_column fade_animation_offset=”45px” width=”1/3″][vc_btn title=”View Life Spreads” style=”flat” color=”black” size=”sm” align=”center” i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-user-circle-o” css_animation=”bounceInDown” button_block=”true” add_icon=”true” custom_onclick=”true” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fwww.aquariusmaximus.com%2Flife-spreads%2F|||”][/vc_column][vc_column fade_animation_offset=”45px” width=”1/3″][vc_btn title=”View Yearly Spreads” style=”flat” color=”black” size=”sm” align=”center” i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-user-circle-o” css_animation=”bounceInDown” button_block=”true” add_icon=”true” custom_onclick=”true” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fwww.aquariusmaximus.com%2Fmember-yearly-spread|||”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”0px”][vc_column fade_animation_offset=”45px” width=”2/3″][text_output]Video Lesson 1
Click on the above video to view the lesson. Use the guides to the right to view the descriptions of the placements below each card. Use the tool below to input your birthdate along with the video.[/text_output][/vc_column][vc_column fade_animation_offset=”45px” width=”1/3″][text_output]
Placement Descriptions
[/text_output][accordion id=”” class=”” style=””][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”Birth Card” id=”” class=”” style=””]The first position in the spread is the birth card, or Sun card. This is the card that presides over the day you were born and you are a living representative of that card. Each other card afterward describes some of the closest card energies relevant to your card.[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”Mercury Card” id=”” class=”” style=””]This card rules over the first 13 years of your life, your childhood and mental formative years. It rules your mind and especially your subconscious patterns and traits. You tend to do the things that fall under this card better than your other cards. We tend to form many personal relationships with this card because they are drawn to you. This card can describe what it was like growing up for you ( from your perspective) and also represents any siblings you may have.[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”Venus Card” id=”” class=”” style=””]This card rules over the second 13 years of your life (approximately age 13), namely your teenage years. This is when your value system and your sense of self is formed. This card rules how you feel and sense things, and the level of importance it takes on to you. This is also your feminine side, your receptivity to people & things, and the things or people you are attracted to (and attract).[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”Mars Card” id=”” class=”” style=””]This card rules over the third 13 years of your life (approximately age 26), the time where you begin exercising your will on world. You work hard at your goals and obtaining your desires. This is also the time when you masculine side is developed. This card describes your relationship with men and men ruled institutions like law enforcement, military, etc.[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”Jupiter Card” id=”” class=”” style=””]This card rules over the fourth 13 years of your life (approximately age 38), the time where you will experience a growth in your philosophical views on life. This period can bring travel, issues with court, marriages & divorces, or even college advancement or business success. This card can also represent the things or people that bring you joy. This card also represents the father and in the case of women – the husband.[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”Saturn Card” id=”” class=”” style=””]This card rules over the fifth 13 years of your life (approximately age 51), the time where you experience some of the physical outcomes of your life’s choices. Aging can begin here, as well as maturity and wisdom. We really begin to consider our own mortality these years and how we process those considerations will depend on this card. This card can also represent your fears, limitations, karma, and hardships & burdens.[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”Uranus Card” id=”” class=”” style=””]This card rules over the sixth 13 years of your life (approximately age 64), the time where you more readily evolve to being the person you came here to be. At this phase in life we are more concerned with living in harmony than we are anything else. This card is your evolution card, the card where we can experience our greatest successes. This card also represents some of our deepest past life traumas.[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”Neptune Card” id=”” class=”” style=””]This card rules over the seventh 13 years of your life (approximately age 76) until age 90. This card can deal with your secret desires, wishes, and your spirituality. This card represents the areas of life in which you have a blindspot and need to tune into inner guidance to navigate. This card also represents how you will be viewed through a spiritual or artistic lens (like movies and photos) by other people.[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”Pluto Card” id=”” class=”” style=””]Pluto represents the challenges you will face in life via people and experiences. Your core issues in life and your incarnation objective is contained within this card. The secret tool that can assist you in overcoming all obstacles.[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”Result/Reward Card” id=”” class=”” style=””]The Result/Reward card represents blessings that will be available to you by overcoming the challenges associated with your Pluto card.[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”Cosmic Lesson Card” id=”” class=”” style=””]The Cosmic Lesson is your Guru or teacher, and it also represents the way you will be perceived by the public (good or bad). There are secrets to using this powerful card to achieve “worldly” success.[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”Cosmic Moon Card” id=”” class=”” style=””]The Cosmic Moon describes your mother, other women, and if you are a woman your experience with motherhood.[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”Transformation Card” id=”” class=”” style=””]After making major transformations in your life, this is the card that represents the person you are becoming.[/accordion_item][/accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”0px”][vc_column fade_animation_offset=”45px” width=”1/1″][vc_custom_heading text=”Class Notes” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center|color:%232b2b2b” google_fonts=”font_family:Cardo%3Aregular%2Citalic%2C700|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal”][text_output]
Use the tool below to input your birthdate and follow along with the video
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Card Keywords & Phrases
[/text_output][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”0px”][vc_column fade_animation_offset=”45px” width=”1/4″ id=”red” class=”” style=””][accordion id=”” class=”” style=””][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”Ace of Hearts” id=”” class=”” style=””]New Love, New Baby, Hugs, Affectionate, Loving, New Entrepreneurial Ideas, Selfishness, Worry, Flightiness, Greed, Creative, Artistic, Faithful or Doubtful, Emotional instability[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”2 of Hearts” id=”” class=”” style=””]Union, Soulmates, Romantic Couple, Marriage, Fear of being alone, Obsessive need for close relationships, Intelligence, Need for security, A need to know, Curiosity[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”3 of Hearts” id=”” class=”” style=””]Twins or multiple children, an open relationship, and affair, emotional immaturity, inability to choose where to place one’s affections or trust, childlike joy, curiosity, bisexuality, exercising one’s options[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”4 of Hearts” id=”” class=”” style=””]Family, Roots, Ancestry or Ancestors, Protection in relationships, Home, Hospitality, Accommodating, Friendly, Ruthless, Preachy[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”5 of Hearts” id=”” class=”” style=””]Free loving, Fickle, Creative, Charitable, Restless, Faithful, Worrisome, Anxious, Insecure or Unsure, Contrarian, Hypocritical, Homeless, Traveling, Vacation, Runaway, Unorthodox, Non-conforming, Commitment phobia, Bad breakup or divorce[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”6 of Hearts” id=”” class=”” style=””]Peaceful, Past-life Relationships, Reunion, Karmic Relationships, Competitiveness, Grandeur, Dishonesty, Initiation, Juggling work, Having rich, successful, or famous associates, Partnership with women or lovers[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”7 of Hearts” id=”” class=”” style=””]Boundaries, Betrayal, Relationship drama, Control-freak, Unconditional love, Veganism, Strict Diet, Digestion problems, Surgery, Weightloss, Business Mogul or Tycoon[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”8 of Hearts” id=”” class=”” style=””]Playboy/Playgirl, Power in love, Socialite, Massage therapist, Touch Healer, Reiki, Psychic, Bullying, Heartbreaker, Success in Work[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”9 of Hearts” id=”” class=”” style=””]Counselor/Therapist/Therapy, A Wish, Apology, Heartbreak, Grief, Divorce, Pet[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”10 of Hearts” id=”” class=”” style=””]Personal & Social Success, Networking, Party, Wedding, Wealth & Abundance, Successfully overcoming challenges, Hospital, Hotel, Wishes come true, Large Family[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”Jack of Hearts” id=”” class=”” style=””]Sacrifice, Spiritual love, Jesus, Children, Day Care, Loan Shark, Stripper, Suicide, Pastor, Sex addict, Stubborn, Charmer[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”Queen of Hearts” id=”” class=”” style=””]Motherhood, Pregnancy, Royalty, Political, Teacher, Socialite, Sex, Drugs, Addiction, Laziness, Weight Gain, Sugar cravings[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”King of Hearts” id=”” class=”” style=””]Fatherhood, Performer, Actor, Head of a large family, Patriarch, Passionate about family, Successful, Well-loved, Tempermental[/accordion_item][/accordion][/vc_column][vc_column fade_animation_offset=”45px” width=”1/4″ id=”black” class=”” style=”color:#000000;”][accordion id=”” class=”” style=””][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”Ace of Clubs” id=”” class=”” style=””]New Goal, New Project, Curiosity, Questions, Chatter or communication, Website, Mobile app, New high tech item, Computer virus, Relationship[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”2 of Clubs” id=”” class=”” style=””]Communication, Argument, Fears, Friendship, Debate, Exchange of knowledge, Fight[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”3 of Clubs” id=”” class=”” style=””]The Writer, Creativity, Worry, Anxiety, Indecision, Magnetic, Entertaining, Artistic ability, Musical ability, Negativity, Skepticism[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”4 of Clubs” id=”” class=”” style=””]Common Sense, Mental Peace, Intelligence, Obsessive, Stubborn, Debater, Fixed Ideas, Decoder[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”5 of Clubs” id=”” class=”” style=””]Adventurer, Wanderlust, Conversational, Passionate, Debater, Spontaneous, Secretive, Impatient, Overly Concerned with Finances, Creative with money, Independent, Emotionally Sensitive, Intelligent, Explosive[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”6 of Clubs” id=”” class=”” style=””]Compromising, Mediator, Nostalgic, The Messenger, Intuitive, Inventive, Creative, Well-connected, Successful, Sensitive, Popular, Dutiful, Easy-going, Slow Starters[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”7 of Clubs” id=”” class=”” style=””]Genius, Creative, Scandal, Hard-working, Prayer, Faith, Positive mantras, Humanitarian, Wise, Popular, Self-hexing, Negativity, Curses, Slander, Pessimism & Doubt[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”8 of Clubs” id=”” class=”” style=””]Fixed thinking, Mental fixations, Success, Creativity, Quick learning, Brilliance, Talented, Magnetism, Musical, Photogenic, Stuck, Slow decisions[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”9 of Clubs” id=”” class=”” style=””]Graduation, Intelligent, Mentally Inspiring, Passionate about family, Guru, Family Court, Family Drama, Procrastination, Laziness, Depression[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”10 of Clubs” id=”” class=”” style=””]Teaching or teacher, conferences, politics or elections, doors opening to progress, success in communications, success with groups, recording studios[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”Jack of Clubs” id=”” class=”” style=””]Speaking your truth with authority (and becoming an authority in it), Nimble mind and tongue, hip hop and spoken word, rising above poverty and becoming a philanthropist, creative thought, dishonesty[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”Queen of Clubs” id=”” class=”” style=””]Service to children or mother to world, singer, emotionally sensitive, impatient, secretive, intuitive, creative, busy, organizational, restless, receptive, hard working[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”King of Clubs” id=”” class=”” style=””]Master teacher, mental downloads, recognition for your knowledge, mentor, anger, law enforcement, sensory pleasures (food,drink,drugs, or sex), father figure, snappy tongue or witty humorous, abusive, in women – a great deal of attractiveness, makeup and beauty products[/accordion_item][/accordion][/vc_column][vc_column fade_animation_offset=”45px” width=”1/4″ id=”red” class=”” style=””][accordion id=”” class=”” style=””][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”Ace of Diamonds” id=”” class=”” style=””]New job, business, or project. New material passion or possession. Wealth, ambition, greed, impatience, stubbornness, luck, wrecklessness[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”2 of Diamonds” id=”” class=”” style=””]Meetings, business partnerships, coaches/coaching, a contract or business agreement, roommate, project manager[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”3 of Diamonds” id=”” class=”” style=””]Financial creativity, financial worries, multiple businesses or or moneymaking ventures, anxiety, short patience, celebrity, interest in the occult, film, music or entertainment projects.[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”4 of Diamonds” id=”” class=”” style=””]Financial stability, building a solid foundation, hard work, stubbornness, perfectionism, money from multiple sources, powerful spiritual money[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”5 of Diamonds” id=”” class=”” style=””]Rollercoaster finances or emotions, a move to a new home or business, change at work or within the home, home renovation, investing in real estate or technology (or both), a futuristic, business travel[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”6 of Diamonds” id=”” class=”” style=””]Retirement, slow down in work, debt – personal or financial, competition or competitive sports, social work, credit, honesty & integrity, keeping your word[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”7 of Diamonds” id=”” class=”” style=””]Millionaire, creative, family issues or matters, spiritual money, poverty or wealth consciousness, spending a great deal of money, financial challenges[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”8 of Diamonds” id=”” class=”” style=””]Power with money, promotion or management position, real estate, ruthless, fickle, perfectionism, success after hard work, obtaining a loan or funding[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”9 of Diamonds” id=”” class=”” style=””]Philanthropy, wealth, poverty, non-profits & charity, investing, politics, issues with driving or vehicles, issues with family, the african diaspora, spending beyond your means[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”10 of Diamonds” id=”” class=”” style=””]Windfalls, abundance, emotional extremes, attention, celebrity status, lottery winnings[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”Jack of Diamonds” id=”” class=”” style=””]Salesperson, clever & charming, dishonest with finances, friendly, financially successful, dreamer, ideas that are far ahead of their time[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”Queen of Diamonds” id=”” class=”” style=””]Intuitive value system, serving with your value system, shopping, longterm money, overspending, women investor. creativity, external beauty, yoga, meditation, hairdresser or hairstyle[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”King of Diamonds ” id=”” class=”” style=””]Businessman or businesswoman, music producer, creative type but business savvy, a controlling lover, sexual person, a wealthy person[/accordion_item][/accordion][/vc_column][vc_column fade_animation_offset=”45px” width=”1/4″ id=”black” class=”” style=””][accordion id=”” class=”” style=””][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”Ace of Spades” id=”” class=”” style=””]Ambition, death/rebirth, secrets, mystery, paranoia, mystery systems, occult, a new job[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”2 of Spades” id=”” class=”” style=””]Friendship, Life coach, Work partnership, Socialite[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”3 of Spades” id=”” class=”” style=””]Being at a crossroads, creativity, stress, overloading with work, luck, gambling, many new projects, fluctuating spiritual values[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”4 of Spades” id=”” class=”” style=””]Grounded, stability, the “kept” woman or man, fortunate, satisfaction, ultimately obtaining what you desire[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”5 of Spades” id=”” class=”” style=””]Driving, changes, earthquakes, traveling, restless, driving over land, adventure, stalking or being stalking[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”6 of Spades” id=”” class=”” style=””]Fate/destiny, the Law of Karma or Cause and Effect, health or work issues, slow down, stuck, bound to someone or something, timing, contract or commitment, marriage[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”7 of Spades” id=”” class=”” style=””]Faith, accidents, ailments, the manifestation of dreams, spiritual work, negativity[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”8 of Spades” id=”” class=”” style=””]Overcoming obstacles by the use of will, success, power, bullying, physical exercise, gym (working out)[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”9 of Spades” id=”” class=”” style=””]Completion of work or project, weight loss, illness, giving (especially to large groups of people)[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”10 of Spades” id=”” class=”” style=””]Success after hard work, workaholic, a major breakthrough or completion, a breakthrough leading to freedom to travel and the pursuit of happiness, extreme sensitivity (touchiness)[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”Jack of Spades” id=”” class=”” style=””]Spiritual initiation, the beginning of a new lifestyle, creative person, actor or actress, a thief or dishonest individual, odd jobs, romantic charmer, irresponsible male[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”Queen of Spades” id=”” class=”” style=””]”Boss” or management, the witch, priestess, inner work, using spiritual power to influence the material world, the grandmother, realtor or real estate, mean or harsh woman or man[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”” title=”King of Spades” id=”” class=”” style=””]God, dog, perfectionist or perfectionism, mental illness or sensitivity (schizophrenia, dementia), perfection or perfectly done, gun or murder, nature[/accordion_item][/accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row]